Our Activity

Bootstrap circular economy ecosystems

People and organizations improve and exchange electronic devices in a circular and collaborative economy ecosystem to avoid premature recycling. The coalition of members and partners in eReuse exchange know-how, build connections and bring together the skills and training to help sustain and grow federated ecosystems that optimize refurbishment, ensure the quality of second-hand electronic products and coordinate reverse supply chains to incentivize reused devices are ultimately recycled, and their impact assessed.

We coordinate and promote the creation of local reuse circuits, where several entities inter-cooperate under different roles to capture, refurbish, and redistribute devices with a quality certificate to citizens affected by digital inequality, among other related things. 

Accredits circularity of members and federated ecosystems

Circular consumption is based on using resources to the maximum extent possible, ensuring that they are ultimately recycled, but never before or prematurely, only when no one else can use or reuse them. Businesses disposing of digital devices choose members with accountable reusability and recycling performance. The challenge is to provide resources for consumers, members and federated platforms to self-assess, self-certify and share this data as an information commons for circularity.

eReuse can accredit circular economy entities that trace devices throughout their useful life and provide guidelines for the assessment of the sustainability impact generated. Together, we want to achieve and measure the three impacts of a circular economy: economic, environmental, and social, advancing towards the objectives of SDGs 16, 13, 12, 15, 4, and 10.

Coordinate open-source resources roadmap for the digitalization of circular electronics management

Our members and partners develop and share open-source resources such as refurbishment tools, inventory management, product passport traceability systems, self-accreditation mechanisms for quality and circularity standards, good practices, and case studies. Together, we build a new mindset and open-source tech to make the reuse/recycling tech industry more durable, reusable, repairable, and impact-accountable. The challenge in this activity is to prioritize which resources are key to the community and ensure they are open-source and based on open standards.