Global traceability

Ensure global traceability of devices is performed by theĀ Global Record of Devices (GRD). GRD is a system that records technical information and traceability data for any device. To guarantee final recycling of Digital devices DeviceHub owners should geo-tag all authorized collection points (near them geographically) and ask users to perform a geo-location action once they send devices to collection for recycle (using the App). If the last geo-location is performed within the geographical area of known collection points, this provides a high confidence degree that devices are collected.

The Global Record of Devices (GRD)

The GRDĀ is a log of information and traceability for any electronic device, worldwide. It collects from each device, at least, the geographical locations where it has been donated/recycled and aggregated metadata. The system provides a REST-API to allow IT Asset Management Systems, as DeviceHub, report device lifecycle, environmental responsabilities for organizations, etc. Collects from each device, at least, the geographical places it has been donated/recycled, the main life cycle states such as: registered (not in use), available to be used (and reused) in a workplace, replaced (e.g. for failure, obsolescence) but not yet discarded, catalogued to be reused or recycled, and aggregated data to allow deduction of the Life-time Extension, Running time and Usage time. A Device Hub and other Traceability Systems are federated to share traceability data.

See it in Github